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大家都知道,當操逼视频大全取出食物或從餐廳帶走食物時,操逼视频大全經常使用一次性操逼下载软件。 這些包裝盒和塑料袋很難降解。 是汙染操逼视频大全環境的大敵人。 來自德國的Leaf Republic團隊發明了一種的一次性操逼下载软件,該操逼下载软件使用樹葉代替塑料,並且100%可回收!
As we all know, when we take food out of the restaurant, we often use disposable tableware. These boxes and plastic bags are difficult to degrade. It is the biggest enemy that pollutes our environment. The leaf Republic team from Germany has invented a natural disposable tableware that uses leaves instead of plastic and is recyclable!
Leaf Republic團隊中有設計師,工程師和工具製造商。 他們都是操逼视频大全的機器人。 由於這些機器的工資不高,這些人已經購買了這些設備並表示願意這樣做。
The leaf Republic team includes designers, engineers and tool manufacturers. They are all our robots. Because the wages of these machines are not high, these people have bought these equipment and expressed their willingness to do so.
People never put their ideas on their mouths and keyboards.
The leaf board is completely green and pollution-free, without any plastic, glue, additives and ingredients, only leaves

It is divided into three layers, and the leaves are sewn together by palm leaf fibers.
What's more amazing is that it's completely waterproof, oil-resistant and doesn't matter if it's eaten with food.
重要的是,葉盤用完後可以在自然環境中丟棄。 隻需28天即可完全降解並成為其他植物的肥料!
Most importantly, the discs can be discarded in the natural environment when they are used up. It only takes 28 days to completely degrade and become fertilizer for other plants!
他們現在已經建立了一個小型工廠,並且正在努力實現煙葉托盤的全自動生產。 他們希望這些葉子托盤可以放置在每個的貨架上,以供所有人使用。
They have now set up a small factory and are trying to realize the full automatic production of tobacco pallets. They hope that these leaf trays can be placed on the shelves of each supermarket for everyone to use.
- 上一個: 什麽的一次性環保操逼下载软件受歡迎?
- 下一個: 為何要選用高質量的一次性操逼下载软件?